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“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.”

Our Philosophy


Our program is built around the concept that children are born ready to learn.

We strive to create a learning environment that is safe, stimulating, fun and encouraging.


The following principles serve as the foundation for our curriculum:

  • Children develop knowledge of their world through active interactions with caregivers, peers, materials, and events.

  • Learning is sequential, building on prior understandings and experiences.

  • Learning proceeds at different rates in each area and each child; children will show a range of skills and understandings in any one area of development.

  • Learning in each area is interconnected. Young children learn best through experiences, which incorporate several areas of development.

  • Learning begins in the family, continues in early care and education settings, and depends on parent involvement and caregiver guidance.

  • All children have the potential to achieve!




At Sky Learning Center we believe that children learn best

when they are loved, respected, and exposed to a variety of activities.

Ours is a philosophy that promotes confidence and celebrates the uniqueness of each child. 

We see childhood as a valuable stage of life, 

 and provide a safe environment for children socially, emotionally, and physically.

Pinwheel Kids
​Writing, Math & Literacy

At Sky we see the correlation between art & writing. Squiggles, lines & circles turn in to letters and words, and we so have  a dedicated Art & Writing table for kids to express their thoughts, emotions, and inspirations, as well as practice their ABC's and 123's.

We have flashcards available at the center, as well as a print rich environment for children to be able to surround themselves with words and text, to prepare them for Kindergarten & Elementary school. 

Curriculum & Themes

We will be changing the curriculum theme every 2 weeks for kids to be able to explore and learn about new topics throughout the year!

Curriculum themes below.

​Emotional Intelligence & Mindfulness

We believe in a creating a culture where children can identify and understand their emotional health and well-being. We encourage children to reconcile with one another, and we have teachings that will help them practice sharing and caring for one another, as well as cool down techniques for when they need space to calm down. We've designated the reading nook as our quiet area for kids to be able to sit, reflect, and wind down, and encourage kids to talk with teachers who will give them tools and oversight to be able to solve their own problems!

Yoga, Music & Dance

We offer kids' yoga & stretching daily to create a moment of mindfulness and self care. Stretching is good for posture, range of motion, and strength. We will also have daily circle times where kids are given an opportunity to sing and dance using educational and fun songs.

Mrs. Nina also sings and plays the guitar and Mr. Oliver plays the piano/ keyboard, and so we will also be sharing the gift of music with the children. We will also have times where kids can play childrens' instruments!


We base our work with children on the knowledge of child development and research, and we know that children learn best through play. Research on brain development, shows that positive, supportive relationships are essential during the earliest years of life.  We believe children achieve their fullest potential through caring, stable relationships with teachers; based on trust, respect, and positive regard.  We work in partnership with families, supporting the close ties between kids and families. 


Learning and Fun:

     For ages 2-5, we use a theme-based curriculum. In addition to the materials in the interest areas, we also build on children's curiosity, enabling children to interact, question, connect, problem-solve, communicate, reflect and more. We help curious minds play with purpose, discover, create & develop! Students also practice the sounds of the alphabet and numbers.

      For ages 35 months and younger we work on and with the following: throughout each day we practice on large and small motor skills by reaching, grasping, rolling, sitting, crawling, standing, walking, climbing, throwing, catching, kicking, cooing and talking; whichever developmental stage your child happens to be in at the time. Infants and toddlers learn through play by utilizing flash cards, books, numbers, shapes, colors, the alphabet, stacking blocks, puppets, age-appropriate toys, and much more. We encourage participation, but the child will not be forced to participate. Most importantly, our goal is to make learning for all ages fun, empowering and non-intimidating. It is our hope that both you and your child will be as enthusiastic as we are about our program.



We know that children learn through play; so we give free-play and structured-play throughout the day to grow a child's mind, body & creativity.


Interest Areas and activities  integrate opportunities for:

  • Gross Motor: Active & free play in large, uncluttered areas both outdoors and indoors

  • Fine Motor: small building toys, art materials & manipulatives

  • Literacy: Picture books that are organized and have a wide selection 

  • Math: opportunities to sort, count, measure, compare, recognize shapes, and experience written numbers

  • Science & Nature: Categories of nature/science materials, such as collections of living things (rocks, pinecones, bird’s nest),           Realistic representations in pictures books, games or toys, and tools

  • Art & Sensory: Diverse types of art is offering through drawing materials, paints, 3-D materials (playdough, wood),                                       and tools (scissors, stencils, glue).

  • Block & Dramatic Play: Blocks of sizes, shapes are educational in many ways, including the support of dramatic play. Dramatic play is encouraged through props and themes such as housekeeping, different types of work, fantasy and leisure activities.

  • Music & Movement: Musical toys and instruments will be used along with singing, dancing, recorded music & movement.

  • Rest and Relaxation: Naps are individualized based on age. Kids can bring a special blanket or cuddly toy. 

Our Objectives


The programs and policies of SLC have been designed to accomplish the following objectives:


  1. To provide an emotionally supportive and nurturing environment for all children in our care.

  2. To help each child grow in the areas of intellect, creativity, self-esteem, and self-reliance.

  3. To provide an anti-bias, culturally relevant environment for each child.

  4. To provide activities which teach non-violence and enhance each child’s social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development.

  5. To create positive, mutually supportive relationships with the families of our kids.

  6. To create confidence, encourage creativity and empower young minds to be lifelong learners.

  7. To promote continual staff development based on self and professional development.

Kids Blowing Bubbles

Curriculum Overview


   All About Me

   My Home & Family



    In the Fall

    The Farm


    My Community

    My Country


    Tools & Machines



   Healthy Bodies

   In the Winter





   The Sky & Weather

   In My Imagination

   In The Spring


   Wild Animals

   Plants & Gardening


   Insects & Spiders



   Staying Safe

   Exploring the Arts


   Spectacular Science

   All About Books


   Foods & Flavors

   Shapes & Colors

Kid's Drawings
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